Sandra Dawn Yoga Winnipeg Website and Blog Turns 1! — Your Best yoga

Sandra Dawn Yoga Winnipeg Website and Blog Turns 1!

Wow... where did the time go?! It has been 1 year since I launched this website and Blog, and what a year it has been. I remember deciding, after much thought, to try and turn my teaching "side job" into a business last year. I had professional photos taken and worked away at setting up a visually appealing and user friendly website. I started thinking of Blog content, writing posts, and frantically checking my blog stats daily to see if anyone had actually read what I had written. It was exciting and terrifying to put myself out there on the Internet and I didn't know what to expect. 

Skip forward to today - Your Best Yoga is a registered business, my teaching schedule continues to fill, I've gotten my name out in the Yoga community here in Winnipeg and have gotten to teach at awesome community events, and my blog stats continue to increase as I provide more quality content (I don't check them daily anymore either :)). It's been quite a year, with both small successes and failures along the way, but I am not slowing down! This year I'm focused on promoting Your Best Kids to bring Yoga to children with different and various needs, I will be continuing to expand Your Best Yoga to include more adult classes, and I have plenty of Blog ideas for upcoming content. For now, check out the links below to some of my favourite posts over the past year - just in case you missed one.  And to anyone who has been checking in with this blog from the beginning..... I sincerely thank you. 

My top 5 Favourite Posts from the Last Year:

1. When I'm doing my Best...

I was a brand new blogger with a dream of reaching out to some of my yoga and wellness idols to help promote the values Your Best Yoga was founded on - and wouldn't you know it, some of them responded! I will be forever grateful to these amazing souls who responded to a newbie blogger and shared what it looks like when they are doing their best, which allowed me to put this post together. They were all so kind and very inspiring!  

2. 31 Lessons in 31 Years

My Birthday post! It was so fun to reflect on these lessons and share them with the world.

3. Yoga Pose: Cat/Cow with Variation

This is one of my favourites because it was the first video I ever attempted. I actually really liked the process of filming and editing the video so it inspired me to do more of these styles of tutorials. 

4. Real Life: Moving from "Worrier" to "Warrior"

I hope this post is helpful to others. I did a lot of self-reflection to figure out how I've managed stress and worry in my own life and how I could share that with others. 

5. Yoga Pose: Warrior 2

I felt like the visual I made for this tutorial was one of my better ones - especially since I was still learning how to capture the images and edit them. Just FYI - These were all taken with my iPhone or Camera tucked into a $3.00 tiny tripod that I bought on ebay, with me hitting the timer button and running into place and getting into the pose....I've figured out better techniques for my images now!