Half Pigeon Pose - some people love it, some people loathe it, but either way, it’s going to get those hips and glutes stretched out. If you need help or want to know how to do Pigeon pose, this post is for you. Be sure to check out the video to enjoy an entire practice meant to get your body ready for this pose and some great tips on moving in and out of it safely.
Half Pigeon Pose Tutorial:
Difficulty level: Beginner-Intermediate
Contraindications: knee concerns
Step 1: You can begin this pose from a table top position or downward dog. Some people prefer one over the other, so perhaps try both to see how they feel.
From table top, begin by bringing your right knee forward through your hands. The knee should come close to the right wrist. Once the knee is forward, you want to “kick out” the right foot, so it moves toward the left wrist. You should not be resting on the right shin here, but on the outside of the leg.
From Downward dog, begin by stretching your right leg up and back to a three legged dog. From here being the knee forward and through the hands and lower your legs to the mat. Once the knee is forward, you want to “kick out” the right foot, so it moves toward the left wrist. You should not be resting on the right shin here, but on the outside of the leg.
Step two: If you started from table top, slide and stretch the left leg back behind you as much as you can. You want this leg straight, with the knee and top of the foot down on the floor. Ensure the leg is not angled, but pointing straight behind you.
If you started from downward dog, your leg should already be straight, but you should continue to stretch it back and ensure it is not angled, and have the top of the foot on the mat.
Step 3: Check on the hips. You want the hips to be level so the back body isn’t angled. This is where your yoga props will help. Tuck your yoga block (links to Amazon Canada) under the right hip to bring it up and more in line with the left hip if you are finding yourself leaning a lot to the right side (see video for demo on where to place the block). Note: you can use a yoga bolster (links to Amazon Canada) or folded blanket here as well, however my first choice is always the block as it provides the firm support to keep your body aligned.
Step 4: You can either keep your upper body lifted, come down on to elbows/forearms, or all the way down to rest the forehead on hands or a yoga block. Stay in whichever position you enjoy the most (or feel the best stretch in) for at least 5 breaths, but this pose is a good one to stay in for a full minute or more!
The video below from our YouTube page includes all the poses your body needs to warm up and prepare for this amazing pose. If you are all ready for your pigeon pose, jump ahead to 23 mins to get to the demo of it.
Enjoy! And As always, just do your best. Namaste
Pigeon pose tutorial
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